Sunday, January 06, 2008

I think my blog is turning blah

Ok, my blog was meant for me to blah carelessly on in the first place, but lately it just seems to be super blah. But, guess what, I have a good excuse for this issue, but no solution.

I have been blogging my brains out on all the different websites that have allowed me to do so. For the last few months or so, I have been averaging 20-25 blog posts across 5 blogs all demanding high-quality, original content. Come time to write my own blog and a blah post happens. The extent of blah might have been noted by my few loyal readers (I love you guys so much!) when I wrote the most scintillating post on Winter Smells.

What on earth was that!? Anyway. I'm going to start posting links to some of my (what I think) better posts on other blogs, and hopefully write more noteworthy stuff here too.

In the mean time, check out two of my latest posts:
Gadling: Dubai Shopping Nightmare 2008
Written Road: Learnings from 2007, Writing Goals for 2008?

Happy Sunday.
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