Friday, February 08, 2008

How much I've been writing

Something randomly possessed to me calculate the amount of writing...ok ok...blogging I've been doing over the last few months.

For those of you who don't know: I write regularly for 4 travel blogs, and one magazine, and my own personal blog.

Over the last 4 months, I have been averaging around 16,000 words a month; 16,000

And that word count doesn't include my personal blog.

(why is my font getting bigger as I write?)

I am shocked. I really didn't realize that's how much I am blogging. I think it's a lot - it comes to almost 500 words a day, everyday, including weekends. Explains why I perpetually feel suffocated sitting at my computer, it's because I'm almost always looking at it!

Suddenly I feel like I've been very productive lately. Especially keeping in mind that I also teach about 15 hours a week AND still have a social life.

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